Gila at Arundel hotel

Gila at Arundel hotel
Visit with Mercedes

Thursday, 27 January 2011


My dear Friends

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day. Many years ago, I went into a church on this day and said(to God): 'I know you won't tell me why, but just tell me it had meaning.' And the immediate response seemed to say: 'Yes, it had meaning.'

It seems very hard to feel there is meaning when 6 million Jews, 6 million of my people, perished in such horrific circumstances. To say nothing of the gypsies, homosexuals and disabled people who perished too. It is said that some Jews died with the Hear o Israel prayer on their lips,as if they knew they were part of a higher destiny. Some survivors lost their faith in God and some committed suicide.

I believe there is no evil, however great, without redemption. This is what I was brought up to believe as a child and what I believe more fully as a Christian. In the last 60 years we have seen the emergence of the State of Israel, with all its failings and we have seen the survivors of the Holocuast either live in Israel or spread out with all their extended families to all parts of the world.Despite the terrible things that go on, we still see even more acts of heroism and of love, and that, of course, is the key.

Shalom from
Sister Gila

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