Gila at Arundel hotel

Gila at Arundel hotel
Visit with Mercedes

Friday 30 November 2007

Music, music and more music

My dear Friends

After a well-deserved rest, I stepped out into the town of Cambridge again today. I had a feeling I should go to Ken Stevens, the well known music shop next door to one of the religious bookshops and down a kind of open alley where I busked some time ago. Didn't make much money then but a nice lady stood and listened right through to one of my Peace songs.

Wasn't quite prepared for what happened when iIwent through the door. Started singin 'Summertime' to find out if there was a 'middle' bit, then they gave me a guitar and I was away! The salesman, very nice guy, listened, then a man who said he was called Alan clapped and said he would come to the Concert for Peace and reconciliation I am holding on Feb 16th. alan was such a nice man and obviously was moved by my rendering of Summertime that I said I would dedicate it to him on the night.

The young guy behind the counter liked it too, and for sure I will sing it. Kinda expresses a yearning, bluesey, and introduces the theme of reconciliation between blackfolks and white folks.

I am on a roll. Moved away from there, and an hour later found myself in the market square. A group of Methodist students were singing carols, so I joined in and added my voice.

Am trying to keep some energy for the Carol concert in St Edmunds tonight, so will slow down and take easy-I hope to get quite good at it!

Have a good, take-it-easy weekend!
Love and shalom
Sister Gila

Sunday 25 November 2007


Here in Cambridge the weather has been quite strange. Saturday was bitterly cold, almost like a Canadian winter. If it doesn't sound too arrogant, sometimes I feel God is arranging this weather to prepare me for the future! But Canada is a dry cold, and my skin felt more healthy when I was there last March.

My inner clock is speeding up for the eventual day when I arrive there for good. Little events are taking place, which are bringing me nearer, although it's also clear that I must live day by day and do what I can here while I am waiting.But my life seems to be coming together, and I feel one of the lucky ones. I go to see Alexia again in Paris from the 13th to 19th December, two days after my 56th birthday.

Age is a strange thing. At nearly 56 I feel better than ever, more alive and more fulfilled than in any other decade. Yes, I must say this is due to my faith, also being loved and taking care of myself, resting, eating what I like when I can, and being lucky enough not to have a fixed routine at the moment. Once I get to Toronto I will go back to 'normal' working for the first time in 10 years, getting a part-time job to pay the rent on the bachelor apartment I have in mind in the centre of the city. In the meantime, every day brings new surprises, and I guess that keeps you young!

On 16th february 2008 I am giving another Concert for Peace and Reconciliation, this time in a slightly different venue from the College Chapels where I have performed in the past. This one will be in the Lee Hall in Wolfson College. It is a beautiful hall, given by a Chinese benefactor, and situated in an English/Chinese garden. My repertoire will be the same mixed bag; Hebrew music, including Synagogue music, songs of the 60's and traditional folk.

The concert will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Risa Domb, who died just after my last concert last year. Risa was a close friend and my modern Hebrew teacher at Cambridge University. She was also one of the first supporters of The Little Sisters of Joy.

A friend will display some of her late husband's art on cards;Alec Pearson was a well-known artist and tapestry weaver, whose birthday was close to the date of my concert. I hope it will be an enjoyable event, as well as raising awareness for The Little Sisters of Joy.

Much to be done! I'm on a roll!
Shalom and blessing,
Sister Gila

Saturday 17 November 2007

Winter and Advent

My dear Friends

Here are some lines from a beautiful poem by George Herbert, the 17th Cenutry poet and Anglican priest:

'Who would have thought my heart would have recovered greenness?
It had gone quiet underground, like a mother root, full blown.'

This always reminds me of the coming of winter, and particularly Advent. Unknown to me at the time, when I was born into my Jewish family, my birthday would be in Advent! On 11th December, it usually falls in Chanukah too. So I was born in a particularly light-filled time.

The coming of Christ, buried in Mary's womb, is exciting and mysterious. We have to imagine what it was like all those years ago in Bethlehem, the shepherds in the fields to whom the Message was first made known. All the really cateclysmic events in life start in a hidden, humble way. I have time, in the warm solitude, to ponder these events and, as the years go by, to be more and more in awe of them. And intimate with them at the same time. Maybe I will share my thoughts with you as the weeks leading up to Christmas go by.

Until then, stay warm! Cambridge is bitterly cold and I have been spending my Shabbat mainly in bed with the heating on!

Shabbat Shalom!
Sister Gila

Thursday 1 November 2007

All Saints Day

Today, 1st november, is the Feast of All Saints. We honour those who have gone before us , those righteous ones who have made a special contribution to our humanity and who have been 'officially' remembered for it. It is a special liturgical day in the Church, but those we honour are from every religion, for many have died for their faith. One famous Rabbi was Rabbi Akibah, who was burned at the stake by the Romans.

There are also those men and women who have never known who God is, but who have done heroic deeds, or 'fed the hungry and clothed the naked' as Jesus said in the Gospel. And those who are especially dear are the countless hidden Saints, some of whom we may live next door to.

It always seems to me that on this day the very cosmos comes to greet us: here in Cambridge it has been a fantastic day, hot, blue sky, unusual for this time of year. But is it? If we can believe that those men and women we commemorate today are really 'looking down on us' it is perhaps not so surprising that today the universe is glowing with light.

Nine years ago, on all Saints, I was in Rome. Unknown to me, my Project was about to begin. I like to think I had the blessing of all the Saints who have found the heavenly Jerusalem to help me and The Little Sisters of Joy and the whole of humanity on their homeward journey too.

Happy Feast!
Sister Gila