Gila at Arundel hotel

Gila at Arundel hotel
Visit with Mercedes

Saturday 22 December 2012

Joyous Christmas and peaceful New Year

My dear Friends

Advent comes to a close and Christmas approaches. The waiting is ended and the birth of Our Lord is near.It is a time of great JOY. But the birth of Jesus is not confined to December 25th; it can happen any time, any place, anywhere.

Incarnation of the Holy in our lives is a very precious thing.New birth is astounding. How often have we experienced cycles of Death and Resurrection in our own lives and it applies to all human beings, including those who claim to have no faith.

The Little Sisters of Joy as a Foundation for Prayer, Peace and Reconciliation was conceived in prayer in Provence exactly fourteen years ago. Over the years it has evolved and changed. One of the most important things to happen was the creation of an Association of Friends, now about 650 in 23 countries.

What gives me the most pleasure is that these Friends are from all religions and cultures and are simply united in their desire for peace. While the birth of The Little Sisters of Joy springs from the very heart of the Church, it is international-it welcomes everyone. And indeed the word 'catholic' means universal.

I wish you all a fruitful, happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

With love and shalom

Monday 10 December 2012

My birthday

My dear Friends

Today is the eve of my 61st birthday.I always like birthdays with a one in them, as you feel you are starting something new.It has been a glorious year, with none of the dark shadows that plagued me towards the end of the year before. Hard to believe on the one hand that i have reached this great age; on the other hand I have, by the grace of God had an interesting and full life, so in one way I feel the time has gone quite slowly.

I am lucky to be surrounded by good friends; Ania, Marisa, Jenny, Francoise, to name but a few. And of cours my dear 90 plus year old who is still going strong and takes me out to dinner in the University Centre from time to time. We are able to express things to each other(we have been friends for over 25 years) at quite a deep level and on many subjects-he is an academic of the very best kind. And religious, so we have that in common as well.

When I was approaching 50, I knew an old lady who had turned blind-she said that was the best thing that ever happened to her, because it brought her in touch with so many new people. She was becoming 90, so I asked her how I should live my life from 50 on. She paused for a moment and then said: 'Just as you have always done.'

And so I have. I am looking forward this year to visiting Toronto again, after a five years absence. My only real desire is to go to New York and see the Metropolitan Opera, but I have Renee Fleming on CD and that is the next best thing.

Here's to you, all my dear Friends
Love and shalom

Thursday 6 December 2012

Coming home

My dear Friends

Glasgow was emotional and a little intense, so it was good to come home. I was sitting at my desk, writing, and suddenly I took the pencil and drew a line across the page. A line under what was now the past. I am looking to the future and my trip in june to Toronto.

I am glad it is Advent-a time to reflect and take stock. A time for watching and waiting, waiting for the Lord. The last few days have been homebound and quiet, while the world rushes around me. And of course it is cold, very cold for Cambridge. A time to pray.

This season, like Lent, is penitential, at least in the sense of gentle self examination. It is full of expectation, you can feel it in the air. The birth of Jesus is a momentous thing in anybody's life, whether they realise it or not.The Readings at Mass and in the prayer book are often taken from the Book of Isaiah, which make the most prophetic statements about the coming of the Messiah.'The maiden will give birth to a child, and His name will be Emanuel, which means God with us.'

A time to sing. A time to praise.
