Gila at Arundel hotel

Gila at Arundel hotel
Visit with Mercedes

Monday, 15 February 2010

The lurgie

My dear Friends

I have been suffering from the 'lurgie'-bad cold and a chesty cough. This has not been enhanced by the fact I am a smoker, about 12 a day at the present count. I started smoking when I was quite young, in my wild youth when I was 16, in France on Gauloise cigarettes, which some of you may know are quite strong.

I have had long periods without smoking: for instance when I took singing lessons in 1980 I didn't have a cigarette for 12 years, then started again when I had a nervous breakdown in 1991..

The fact that I am a singer and about to do another concert doesn't seem to deter me, I shove my head in the sand and think it will all go away! But the situation is getting quite serious and I am at risk of damaging my health.

I hesitated about publicising all this on the blog, but hope you will realise I am just human and maybe make some encouraging comments.

Shalom from
Sister Gila

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Commitment is needed, like your commitment to God, he will help you. B