Gila at Arundel hotel

Gila at Arundel hotel
Visit with Mercedes

Monday, 13 July 2009


My dear Friends

I hadn't exercised my vocal chords for a while, so I thought I would take my guitar and go busking in the town. I also took a little stool to sit on and the African bowl someone had given me for my 50th birthday for the punters to put money in.

And quite a few punters there were! It was Saturday and I chose a good spot, just in the shadow of a wall of one of the market churches, so the sound was good. I kept my coat on initially as there were a few spots of rain, but mercifully it didn't get any heavier.

I launched into Blowing in the Wind and immediately a lady on my left tipped a whole bunch of change into my bowl. A good start! I'd no sooner finished singing when a couple of friends from church appeared and gave me much encouragment. And some loose change! I didn't want to be greedy but I had decided to keep anything I earned as pocket money. In the end I earned about £7 in less than an hour.

I continued my repertoire with The Carnival is Over, The Water is Wide, Yesterday and Oh what a morning, a song about the end of days based on some verses from the Book of Revelation. One or two kind people gave me 50p each, but I think they just enjoyed the music. I also got some bemused looks from some of the passers by, but there is no doubt that I would do it again. OLA!

Shalom from
Sister Gila

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