Gila at Arundel hotel

Gila at Arundel hotel
Visit with Mercedes

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Italian and other things

My dear Friends
Springtime is the time also to learn a new language-I started with Hindi and have now moved on the very different world of Italian. The first is obviously more of a challenge than the second, although I believe Italian grammar can be quite tough!

The Italian society has come up with some interesting events lately: a famous reporter speaking about his life and times and an Italian poet who spoke in Italian - I was unable to be present anyway at that one. At the first one all around me were speaking Italian but it didn't matter, the chat was so vibrant that it made you feel cheerful.

India is a very different world -quite fascinating and full of unusual sights and sounds. The national language is Hindi but there are many other languages there too, too much for any one lifetime. I wonder what impressions you have of the two cultures? Or have you been in India or Italy? I was last in Italy in 1998, for an important meeting and I would like to go back to Rome. A priest once said to a friend of mine 'All roads lead to Rome' to which she replied:'With all due respect, Father, some of us think they lead to Jeruslaem!'

Happy holidays!
Sister Gila

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a lttle knowledge of a couple of languages, but have never really studied any, as I can't sing I find pronunciation hard even if I can understand them written. I have been to Italy, which I liked, and also Shri Lanka which was very interesting. I wish you well and lots of fun. God's blessing. B