Gila at Arundel hotel

Gila at Arundel hotel
Visit with Mercedes

Friday, 7 March 2008

Shabbat Shalom from Toronto

My dear Friends
The light is fading and the Sabbath is coming in. Snow is falling outside the Hostel window. Shabbat Shalom from Toronto! It has been a great week, and I have prayed with both the Catholics and the Anglicans. An elderly gentleman asked me to day to join them at the Presbyterian Church next week for a Wednesday session for Lent, including an organ recital.
Today is Womens' World Day of Prayer, so at 2pm I joined the service at the Anglican Cathedral right across the street-it was very moving, being held by the women of Guyana. During the short homily by the Vicar of the church, he focussed on the manifesto of The Little Sisters of Joy, from Isaiah 2 and Micah 4-It shall come to pass in the latter days, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be raised above the hills and all the nations shall flow to it...Nation shall not raise sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Today is the 9th anniversary of the official founding of The Little Sisters of Joy in Cambridge on March 7th 1999. Maryvonne le Goanvic and i sat in Benigna's upper room, and afterwards I held the whole thing up in the evening mass at the large Catholic Church in Cambridge. And so it has continued...

A lovely travelling man at the Hostel took me around Toronto while he was here.As we were walking back from Union Station one evening he mentioned the Swan River in Manitoba. The swan is a very important image of love and contemplation for the Project and I took it as a sign. Even after such a short space of time, I know I am meant to be here.

Much love
Sister Gila


Zap Brannigan said...

You're always welcome to join us at Metropolitan United at Queen and Church St.

Gila said...

Dear William
I wish you a joyful Holy Week. I will do my best to get to your Church before i leave.

Gila said...

Dear william
Sorry I didn't make it to Metropolitan United. Happy Eastertide! for sure i will get there next time!
Shalom from gila