Gila at Arundel hotel

Gila at Arundel hotel
Visit with Mercedes

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

I'm bound for the mountains and the sea

My dear Friends

I am exhausted! I have had 2 full rehearsals already for this concert, singing for 3 hours in the Hope Residential and Nursing Home. But they loved it and gave me some good advice. Then I sang to 3 close friends in the Graduate Union, a wonderful place I have just discovered where I feel safe and happy. My Russian Jewish friend rightly advised me that it was taking a risk to sing Jacques Brel in French so I have dropped it-but it was worth learning. In its place will be Erev shel Shoshanim, a love song, sang and danced to just pre-state of Israel, when things were a lot more carefree and innocent than they are now. The concert is dedicated to Risa Domb, and this is when she grew up. I like the thought of Risa as a girl, dancing with her hair blowing in the wind.

Speaking of which, that's the second song, and I am going to get them all singing, with sheets of words to help. At last I have the help from students in Wolfson that I need, so its looking good.

Yesterday I hired a car and cruised down to Walsingham, pilgrimage site of hundreds of years. Didn't get there until three, as I stopped a lot on the way. Finally fell in at the little house of The Little Sisters of Jesus, who have been such an inspiration to The Little Sisters of Joy. Took a walk in the evening with Sister Claire, the sky was blue, there was a moon, and galaxies of stars. I think its the first time that I have driven alone through the Suffolk countryside, at night in a fast car, with the moon at first facing me, then moving to my right and allowing for those galaxies of stars to guide me. Heavenly and more...
Love and Shalom for now
Sister Gila

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