Gila at Arundel hotel

Gila at Arundel hotel
Visit with Mercedes

Sunday 25 October 2009


My dear Friends
Autmn leaves have been falling in abundance here. Outside is a real carpet of reds and golds. Taking a walk through the grounds is a real delight adn oftern there are four or five of us. The grounds are extensive, with wooden blocks as 'play' areas designed for walking or climbing.

Recovery is a slow processs but there are hopeful signs, with strength returning day by day. The regular round of meals helps and the food is good.I guess there will be a real improvent very soon.
Bye for now
Sister Gila

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Creative wrting

My dear Friend

Life goes on here, with the end not yet in sight. Participated in a creative wrtitng class this morning and wrote some poems about colours and the autumn. This afternoon we had an art class with some modelling clay, not that I am very creative with it but it is fun.

The population keeps changing with new people coming and going always room for Friendship.

Bye for now
Sister Gila

Thursday 15 October 2009


My dear Friends
One of the most comforting things at the moment is the capacity for Friendship amongst the people here, obviuosly to greater or lesser degrees. There is mainly a kind of camaraderie amongst the patients,usually in the garden round the smokers table! But people look out for each other and that helps the staff too.

One of my greatest friends was an English Muslim, with whom I used to pray sometimes in the day or evening. He was a a bright exuberatnt chap, now gone from the ward and missed by me .One fo the great things he did was to bring in his guitar and we would spend hours playing and singing together.The other patients seemed to enjoy it too. Now the guitar has gone , but at least there is a piano.

Bye for now
Sister Gila

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Walking in the countryside

My dear Friends
I have passed the weekend successfully in my new surroundings. Yesterday we went for a lovely walk in the grounds and saw the nature. I had several visitors over the weekend including my Christian 'brother' James who is also my Hebrew student.

One of the patients also suggested that we go to Jerusalem together in the month of November, to make a pilgrimage.
More later
Sister Gila

Friday 9 October 2009

Change of plan

My dear Friends

Sometimes things do not go quite according to plan. I have suffered a slight nervous breakdown and am in a hospital on the outskirts of Cambridge. Even here there are large grounds and an expanse of sky, and plenty of activites to do during the day, such as drawing, painting and making music. Today someone brought in a guitar and I sang all the old songs, folk and Jewish and of the sixties.
I will give you an update as the days go on.

Always Shalom
Sister Gila